Back to catalog Nutrilak From birth Weight of product, gr : 300 600 Dry milk start infant formula adapted for the mixed and artificial feeding of infants. It provides the physiological needs of a growing organism of infants in the first year of life in essential nutrients and energy. Features of the composition: Balanced composition Easy learning Proper development 16 vitamins and 12 minerals GMO FREE! Cardboard package: 350g. Composition Dry demineralized whey, vegetable oils (palm, coconut, soybean, corn), skimmed milk powder, maltodextrin, minerals (potassium citrate, calcium carbonate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium phosphate, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, Potassium iodide, manganese chloride, sodium selenite), vitamins (ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, retinol acetate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine hydrochloride, folic acid, phylloquinone, d-biotin, cholecal tsiferol, cyanocobalamin), emulsifier (lecithin), taurine, inositol, L-carnitine, antioxidant (ascorbyl palmitate). the nutritional value Пищевая ценность в 100 г сухой смеси в 100 мл готовой смеси Энергетическая ценность, ккал/ кдж 512 / 2144 67 / 279 Белок (экв.), г 14,6 1,9 таурин, мг 32 4,2 Жир, г 27,0 3,5 среднецепочечные триглицериды, % от общего количества жира 40 линолевая кислота, г 4,2 0,55 линолевая кислота, % от суммы жирных кислот 16 α-линоленовая кислота, г 0,44 0,06 докозагексаеновая кислота, мг 54,0 7,0 арахидоновая кислота, мг 54,0 7,0 эйкозапентаеновая кислота, мг 12,0 1,5 Углеводы, 52,7 7,0 Минеральные вещества: кальций, мг 440 57 фосфор, мг 260 34 калий, мг 550 72 натрий, мг 185 24 магний, мг 55,0 7,2 медь, мкг 350 46 марганец, мкг 54,0 7,0 железо, мг 6,1 0,8 цинк, мг 5,3 0,7 хлориды, мг 420 55 йод, мкг 92 12 селен, мкг 11,4 1,5 зола, г 3,8 0,5 Витамины: ретинол (а), мкг-экв 470 61 токоферол (е), мг 9,2 1,2 кальциферол (д), мкг 9,2 1,2 витамин к, мкг 22,0 2,9 тиамин (в1), мкг 384 50 рибофлавин (в2), мкг 680 88 пантотеновая кислота, мг 2,7 0,35 пиридоксин (в6), мкг 420 55 ниацин (рр), мг 4 0,52 фолиевая кислота, мкг 62 8 цианокобаламин (в12), мкг 1,7 0,22 аскорбиновая кислота (с), мг 65 8,5 биотин, мкг 15 2,0 Нуклеотиды, мг 24,6 3,2 Инозит, мг 27 3,5 Холин, мг 54 7 L-карнитин, мг 7,8 1,0 Осмоляльность, мОсм/кг - 250 manual Boil for at least 5 minutes all dishes, intended for feeding a baby. Pour into prepared bottle the required amount of drinking water for babies, heated to 40-45 ° C. In the absence of drinking water for babies, you can use boiled water cooled to 40-45 ° C. In the bottle of water, add the required number of measuring spoons of the dry mixture (see the feeding chart), removing the excess from the surface of the spoon with the blunt edge of the knife. After closing the bottle, shake until the mixture is completely dissolved. Check the temperature of the finished mixture on the inside of the wrist. Prepare formula immediately before feeding. The prepared formula should be used within 2 hours. Do not use the remnants of the formula in the bottle for further feeding. Description Before opening the bag, store the powder at a temperature between 0 and 25˚С and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening the package, store the powder for no more than 3 weeks in a cool dry place, but not in the refrigerator.